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Outreach at Scale for 
Search Funders

Blubri is an outreach AI platform tailored for search funds, featuring automated generation of high-quality targets and personalized messages

at scale

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With Blubri, search funders achieve a 10x acceleration in outreach

5 months

Blubri cuts the search by an average of 5 months


Messages crafted by Blubri boast an average of 72% in response rates

*based on data from Blubri's latest Beta release

How It Works

Simple. Easy. Lightning Fast.

Start with your ideal target

Simply describe your ideal company to Blubri in terms of financial parameters, company size and ideal location

Targets generation

Blubri automatically finds the best acquisition targets and evaluates them with your vision in mind

Personalized outreach

Blubri deeply understands your vision, customizing messages for each target while allowing you to review before sending

Join the Club

Join our waitlist and get access to our next private Beta release

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Why Blubri Stands Out

Exceptional Quality

Perfectly emulate your writing style through AI

Blubri analyzes your writing patterns, vocabulary, and tone to ensure your message resonates authentically with your unique voice

Automated database ensuring top-notch data quality

Blubri's system is designed to update the latest and highest-quality data on companies, ensuring that our outputs always deliver excellence

Automatic comparables generation

Blubri harnesses the synergy of a proprietary database and Large Language Model to effortlessly generate a list of comparable companies from just 1-2 examples

Tailored message crafted based on individual contacts

Blubri analyzes your writing patterns, vocabulary, and tone to ensure your message resonates authentically with your unique voice

Efficient web-search powered by AI

Blubri leverages advanced AI algorithms to rapidly scour the web for valuable information on companies and personnels

Response guaranteed

Our customers have experienced an impressive 87% increase in response rates for their outreach efforts, resulting in a remarkable threefold improvement in the efficiency of their sourcing process 

James M., Chicago

“I cannot recommend Blubri enough. The personalized outreach messages are incredibly convincing and tailored to each recipient, resulting in higher response rates and deeper engagement."
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